A low glycemic index diet prevents glycation and promotes healthy aging. The glycemic index classifies foods according to their effect on blood...
Aging and metabolism: from intermittent fasting to circadian intermittent fasting.
Intermittent fasting aligned with the circadian rhythm, a formidable weapon in the fight against aging and age-related diseases. Intermittent fasting...
Aging and glycation. Fructose, danger!
Fructose, the super-fuel of glycation, is a particularly harmful sugar. For many years, fructose and glucose, which have the same chemical formula...
Abdominal overweight, an early sign of aging!
Sugar consumption and glycation are at the heart of a cascade of interactions that lead to metabolic disturbances and accelerated aging. Junk food...
Sugar: from addiction to accelerated aging.
Evidence versus fiction: glycation, boosted by the exponential consumption of sugar due to its addictive nature, leads to a pandemic of accelerated...
Metabolic syndrome: beware!
Metabolic syndrome is a set of risk factors for accelerated aging and age-related diseases. Its rapid and borderless expansion heralds a global...