By slowing down the rate of absorption of food, dietary fiber helps control the level of glucose in the body and thus prevent accelerated aging...
SUGAR, GLYCATION AND AGING: the misalignment of biological clocks, an accelerator of aging.
Not respecting the biological rhythms of food and sleep induces poor glucose metabolism. Our body has its own biological clocks based on a circadian...
AGING, SUGARS AND GLYCATION: the puzzle of calculating the glycemic index.
The same food can see its glycemic index go from simple to double depending on many factors. The adoption of a low glycemic index food diet, the...
LOW GLYCEMIC INDEX FOOD: the anti-aging weapon.
A low glycemic index diet reduces the accumulation of AGEs and promotes healthy aging. The glycemic index classifies foods, not according to their...
AGING AND GLYCATION: why bread crumbs are more dangerous than bread crusts.
Endogenous AGEs, produced by the body in contact with sugar, are more dangerous than exogenous AGEs, contained in food. Glycation is a chemical...
SUGAR: from addiction to accelerated aging.
Glycation, boosted by the growing overconsumption of sugar linked to its addictive nature, leads to a pandemic of accelerated aging. The notion of...