Telomeres, DNA structures known to govern cell longevity, are believed to be weakened by glycation. Telomeres are DNA sequences located at the end of...
Gut-brain axis, aging and glycation.
The intestinal microbiota contributes to brain aging via glycation. The discovery of the interactions between the intestinal microbiota, made up of...
GLYCATION, WHAT’S NEW? Cardiovascular diseases, from diagnosis to personalized treatments: the micro-RNA track.
The effects of glycation on cardiovascular disease could be reversed by overexpression of certain miRNAs. A serious lead for an anti-aging “vaccine”...
AGING DUE TO GLYCATION: the defenseless organism.
The very strong and rapid increase in sugar consumption would explain the absence of a self-repairing mechanism to fight against glycation. Sugar is...
The intestinal microbiota contributes to brain aging via an AGE, an advanced glycation endproduct. The discovery of the interactions between the...
GLYCATION AND INFERTILITY: catastrophe announced
Glycation would have transgenerational effects on female reproduction. Female infertility is on the rise in the Western world. Several factors are...