Deglycation of the muscle matrix: a way to treat sarcopenia. Aging leads to deleterious changes in skeletal muscles including muscle atrophy...
Gut-brain axis, aging and glycation.
The intestinal microbiota contributes to brain aging via glycation. The discovery of the interactions between the intestinal microbiota, made up of...
GLYCATION, WHAT’S NEW? Cardiovascular diseases, from diagnosis to personalized treatments: the micro-RNA track.
The effects of glycation on cardiovascular disease could be reversed by overexpression of certain miRNAs. A serious lead for an anti-aging “vaccine”...
Заболевания, связанные со старением : гликирование – основной элемент “общей почвы”?
Считается, что AGEs, Конечные Продукты Гликирования, наравне с генетикой и образом жизни, участвуют в “общей почве” заболеваний...
PATHOLOGIES LINKED TO AGING: glycation a major element of the “common soil”?
AGEs, advanced glycation products, would participate, in the same way as genetics and behavior, in the common soil of age-related diseases. It was by...
TAKE CONTROL OF GLYCATION: a new era in the fight against aging
What do wrinkles, neurodegenerative diseases, cataracts, metabolic syndrome, but also osteoarthritis, complications of diabetes, stroke, etc. have in...