Advances in knowledge about glycation should revolutionize the treatment of aging and age-related diseases. Glycation was first described in 1911 by...
Take control of your aging. No limits for life expectancy?
The multiplication of centenarians would reveal the existence of a mortality plateau, proof that life would have no fixed limits. Controversy. Life...
Best of / Cases of depression are increasing rapidly; related to junk food?
Depression and unhealthy eating habits: glycation is believed to be a link between mental disorders and junk food. Depression is a common mental...
Best of /Heart failure and glycation: links confirmed.
High levels of glycation are significantly associated with higher risks of heart failure. Heart failure, the inability of the heart to ensure...
Best of / Overweight: towards a pandemic of accelerated aging?
Being overweight promotes aging (1). Its increase throughout the world, in ever younger populations, presages an upheaval in accelerated aging...
Best of/ Glycation: what’s new? Glycation: a central role in skin quality.
Due to its slow renewal, collagen is the preferred target of glycation, a major cause of skin degradation. Glycation results from the binding of...