Sugar: from addiction to accelerated aging.

Evidence versus fiction: glycation, boosted by the exponential consumption of sugar due to its addictive nature, leads to a pandemic of accelerated aging.

Skepticism, doubts…, the impact of sugar on health is still the subject of polemics, deliberately creating controversy over the consequences of sugar consumption!

Driven by industrial lobbies and presented in the form of scientific communications, these messages do not stand up to the evidence.

The notion of addiction is clinically defined as “a brain disease that manifests itself in compulsive consumption of substances despite harmful consequences” (1).

The neurochemical criteria for addiction involve, in particular, the release of dopamine, the “hormone of immediate pleasure”, or even opioids, substances that can calm pain.

By meeting both the clinical and neurochemical criteria for addiction, sugar is clearly an addictive substance (2). This dependence explains the ever-increasing and yet already excessive consumption of sugar.

Knowing that sugar is the fuel for glycation, one of the main mechanisms of aging and age-related diseases, sugar addiction is inevitably leading to a pandemic of accelerated aging.

© AGE Breaker, updated 05 2024

[Glycation is one of the major causes of aging. Resulting from the fixation of sugars on the proteins constituting the organism, glycation generates toxic compounds that cause cellular aging. Glycation is particularly involved in metabolic disorders, skin aging and cognitive decline.] [AGE Breaker, patented nutritional supplements, based on rosmarinic acid, recognized by aging specialists around the world for their properties to reverse the effects of glycation.]

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1 :

2 : David A. Wiss et A. Sugar Addiction : From Evolution to Revolution. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 07 November 2018.