Autism is thought to begin in prenatal life, and to be promoted by high maternal glycation. Neither a pathology nor a disability, autism, which is...
Aging, glycation: what’s new? Accelerated male infertility: glycation is to blame!
Glycation has a negative influence on sperm function and reproductive potential. Infertility, difficulty achieving pregnancy, is on the increase in...
Aging and glycation: what’s new? Deglycation: a major scientific breakthrough.
Advances in knowledge about glycation should revolutionize the treatment of aging and age-related diseases. Glycation was first described in 1911 by...
Take control of your aging. No limits for life expectancy?
The multiplication of centenarians would reveal the existence of a mortality plateau, proof that life would have no fixed limits. Controversy. Life...
Take control of your aging: stand up!
The sitting position, recently universalized, is a factor in aging and age-related diseases. Result of a long evolutionary process, the human being...
Space medicine: the laboratory of aging.
Permanent stress, dysregulated biological clocks, hyper sedentary lifestyle, muscle and bone loss, exposure to radiation, ultra-prepared food…...