Autism is thought to begin in prenatal life, and to be promoted by high maternal glycation. Neither a pathology nor a disability, autism, which is...
Stand up against aging!
The sitting position, recently universalized, is a factor in aging and age-related diseases. Result of a long evolutionary process, the human being...
Take control of your aging. Increasing longevity: the central role of education.
Social and economic factors have a significant impact on longevity. In Europe, life expectancy can vary by up to 8 years for men and 4 years for...
From the age of 25, take control of your aging!
Aging is not linear; its mechanisms are in place many years before the appearance of its first signs. Aging begins when tissues and organs begin to...
Accelerated aging can begin in utero!
Epigenetics can transform risky behaviors during a mother’s pregnancy into accelerated aging in her offspring. Being born in New York between...
Aging, what’s new. Some animals hold the secrets to aging.
Zebra Finch, a bird native to Australia and the Sunda Islands has natural properties that enable it to stay young while aging! Aging is characterized...