Metabolic syndrome is a set of risk factors for accelerated aging and age-related diseases. Its rapid and boundless spread heralds a global health...
Glycation: a threat spreading faster than expected.
By attacking the intestinal microbiota, glycation could have unexpected consequences for overall health. The intestinal microbiota, made up of micro...
Aging, sugar and glycation: Dietary fibers, anti-aging weapons!
By slowing the rate of sugar absorption, dietary fibers help control glycation and thus prevent aging. Dietary fiber, a complex carbohydrate, is not...
Low glycemic index diet, the anti-aging strategy!
A low-glycemic diet prevents glycation and promotes healthy aging. The glycemic index classifies foods according to their effect on blood sugar...
Aging and glycation. Fructose: the sweet death!
Fructose, the super-fuel of glycation, is a particularly harmful sugar. For many years, fructose and glucose, which have the same chemical formula...
What if eating slowly prevented aging?
Eating slowly could considerably reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome and age-related diseases. Time spent at the table varies greatly from country...