Over-consumption of sugar is thought to accelerate age-related loss of bone density through glycation. The decline in bone density begins around the...
Aging and glycation: what’s new? Glycation, deglycation, an anti-aging revolution is in progress!
Advances in knowledge about glycation should revolutionize the treatment of aging and age-related diseases. Glycation was first described in 1911 by...
The Zebra finch is a bird native to the Sunda Islands. It measures and weighs about 3.9 inches and 0.02 lbs. Its life span in good health exceeds 10...
Best of 2024/ Accelerated aging and sugar: damning new evidence!
The use of “epigenetic clocks” demonstrates that sugar consumption is indeed responsible for accelerated aging. Epigenetic age provides precise...
Exposure to cold, aging and metabolism – what’s new?
Moderate exposure to low temperatures may improve longevity. For some animal species, exposure to low temperatures, allowing the body to cool down...
Aging, sugar and glycation: Dietary fibers, anti-aging weapons!
By slowing the rate of sugar absorption, dietary fibers help control glycation and thus prevent aging. Dietary fiber, a complex carbohydrate, is not...