Senile dementia and Alzheimer’s: the glycation trail is confirmed.

New studies confirm the association between glycation and senile dementia, pointing to a mechanism of action and a possible preventive treatment.

Senile dementia, a serious and irreversible deterioration of cognitive functions, long explained by mystical or witchcraft aspects, hence the confusion with the common meaning of the term dementia, has only been considered a pathology since the 19th century.

Senile dementia is caused by neurodegenerative diseases, the most common of which is Alzheimer’s disease. Their causes are still poorly understood: genetic predisposition, lifestyle risk factors (diet, hypertension, smoking, etc.). Some researchers refer to Alzheimer’s disease as type 3 diabetes.

Senile dementia is characterized by a long, symptom-free pre-clinical period, sometimes lasting more than 10 years before diagnosis.

A study published in 2024, involving a cohort of 3,000 people of average age 73 over 7 years, showed a significant association between glycation levels and the frequency of senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, independently of other risk factors (1).

This study confirms on a large scale numerous exploratory studies showing that glycation following sugar overconsumption could contribute to the etiology of dementia.

This association between glycation and dementia is most marked in carriers of the APOE4 gene, known to date to be one of the most important genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s (2).

Interactions between glycation and APOE4 appear to be a plausible explanation for the development of senile dementia. It remains to be seen what the biological mechanisms are, and whether reducing glycation accumulation could protect against dementia.

To be continued…

© AGE Breaker 01 2024

[Glycation is one of the major causes of aging. Resulting from the fixation of sugars on the proteins constituting the organism, glycation generates toxic compounds that cause cellular aging. Glycation is particularly involved in metabolic disorders, skin aging and cognitive decline.] [AGE BREAKER, patented nutritional supplements, based on rosmarinic acid, recognized by aging specialists around the world for their properties to reverse the effects of glycation.]

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(1) : Mooldijk, S.S., Lu, T., Waqas, K. et al. Skin autofluorescence, reflecting accumulation of advanced glycation end products, and the risk of dementia in a population-based cohort. Sci Rep 14, 1256 (2024).

(2) : Blanchard, J.W., Akay, L.A., Davila-Velderrain, J. et al. APOE4 impairs myelination via cholesterol dysregulation in oligodendrocytes. Nature 611, 769–779 (2022).